Founded in 1996 DRYKORN developed into an international fashion label just within a few seasons, mainly because of its selected garments, high-value manufacturing and consistent fashionable statements.
Metropolitan, reachable and progressive are the most defining attributes of the label. DRYKORN attracts self-confident and independent individualists. A certain sense of style is therefore a premise.
The collections of the label are always picking up the latest fashion but without losing the brands personality and individuality.
DRYKORN is internationally distributed and serves more than 1000 customer worldwide. Executive management and administration as well as design, product management and logistics are located in the headquarter in Kitzingen, in southern Germany. Fabrics are mainly ordered in Italy and France.
Product expertise, a nationwide distribution and personal customer service turned DRYKORN, despite stagnating markets, to one of the most emergent and fastest growing brands in the fashion business.