Cavaliere was founded in Borås, Sweden, in 1973. Our business developed in times when the Swedish textile industry was facing very difficult times. Our business was shaped by those days, and therefore we build our success on a never ending strive for finding new ways of working and new ideas.
We have our roots in Borås, a city with great tailoring traditions, and we have ever since we started worked hard to let the art of tailoring live in all that we do. We believe in well tailored garments, made by highest quality fabrics by some of the most skilled tailoring houses in Europe. Tailoring is not only handicraft, it is more than anything an art! We are proud to have worked with the well known weavers, the best tailoring houses, top quality in the garment construction with only the finest stores selling our garments, ever since we started.
In our warehouse in Borås, we keep 40 000 pieces in stock, in 48 different sizes, all in 3 different fits. We have a suit for every man, you can rest assured. Keeping all these sizes and desings in stock forms the basis for our business, and we are very proud to be able to offer this service to our customers.It all started with the ceremony garments, and we are happy to say that we are the leading provider of ceremony clothing for men in the Nordic region, in this segment we have the widest offering in the market today.Lately, we have taken on the responsibility also for women to be able to wear well tailored suits of highest quality, to the right price. With the same well renowned fabric vendors, the same fine tailors and our recognized fit we have presented Cavaliere Femme!